Books and Publications

Selected Publications of Dr. Stanley YIP

1. Low Carbon Ecological Space
Dalian University of Science and Technology Press, 2011 (First Edition), 2014 (Second Edition) (ISBN:978-7-561-19448-5)

2. Study on the Economics of Green Buildings in China
China Architecture and Building Press, 2013  (ISBN:978-7-112-15200-1)

3. Low Carbon Green Building : From Policies to Economic Cost and Benefits
China Architecture and Building Press, 2013  (ISBN:978-7-112-14644-4)

4. Carbon accounting for Chinese Cities Green District Plans
China Architecture and Building Press, 2015  (ISBN:978-7-112-17901-5)

5. The Preparation of Low Carbon Ecological City Plan : A Compendium
China Architecture and Building Press, 2016 (ISBN:978-7-112-19240-3)

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